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Your Home Air Quality Isn’t Great. <i>Here’s Why You Need This Air Purifier STAT.</i>

Your Home Air Quality Isn’t Great. Here’s Why You Need This Air Purifier STAT.

10.13.2023Author: The Suite Staff

Sans Is Giving New Life to the Air We Breathe

If you haven’t already heard: you need an air purifier. We’re constantly exposed to indoor air pollutants, from pet dander and dust mites to chemicals and gases. The repercussions of poor indoor air quality are far from trivial – they can lead to respiratory issues, allergies, and even impact our overall well-being. 

An air purifier can swiftly and effectively remove these harmful particles, offering a breath of fresh air in the comfort of your own home. So, why do you need one? Because your health and well-being deserve nothing less. With that, we’ve spent countless hours trying to find an air purifier that would suit our needs and our style… and that search ended when we discovered Sans. 

Sans isn’t just one of a million–it’s one in a million. The Sans Air Purifier, in all of its high-tech, self-regulated glory, is a sexy take on a notoriously homely device. You don’t have to be dull or overly pragmatic to want one – you just have to know why Sans is so good.

Once Upon a Pandemic…

Just like the rest of the world, Adam Bedford and John Fanelly found themselves spending a lot of time inside in 2020. It got them thinking – how can we improve people’s indoor atmosphere? The threat of poor air quality and illness in our spaces loomed over everyone’s head then, but Bedford and Fanelly came up with a solution: a medical-grade air purification device that’s as silent as it is functional.

With that, Sans was born. Now, even doctors vouch for these guys, and it’s no surprise that they’ve become one of the most sought after air purification devices out there, landing features in publications like Forbes and Architectural Digest.

Besides the fact that at $369, it’s about half the price of other top-rated brands like Dyson and Molekule, there are countless reasons why customers can’t get enough of Sans. Let’s dive into the top five:

1. Three (Stage Filter) Is the Magic Number

What sets Sans apart is their 3-step filter system. A pre-filter lays the groundwork for an effective clean by catching visible particles like dust and pet hair. This filter can be hand-cleaned (easily, with a paper towel), which means you observe its efficiency first-hand. 

Next is the gold standard of filters – HEPA 13. This provides medical-grade protection against 99.97% of particles down to 0.3 microns, and 99.95% of particles down to 0.1 microns. For reference, particles smaller than 35 microns are invisible without a microscope.  

Last but not least, an Activated Carbon filter joins forces with a UV-C light. Sans contains one pound of Activated Carbon to target these particles, which is 3x more than their competitors

Volatile organic compounds are not to be messed with, and, unfortunately, they are found in volumes up to 10x higher inside as opposed to outside. While the carbon nullifies these compounds, the UV-C light deactivates the DNA of certain harmful microorganisms so that they can’t reproduce, keeping you safe and your air high-quality. 

2. Tech Savvy & Meditation Quiet

SmartPure™ tech makes this air purifier self-monitoring, so that the intensity of filtration is scaled according to air quality. Users never have to change the settings of their Sans if they don’t want to – it can all be done automatically. If you’re feeling adventurous, the device also includes high, medium, and night mode. 

You can also select which of three on/off timers to set (2, 4, or 8 hours). Luckily, “quiet” isn’t a setting for Sans–silence is its most basic state. Their “meditation quiet” system means that clean air doesn’t have to come at a noisy cost.

Perhaps most surprising, though, is the area of coverage: 1,560 square feet. That means that the average home can be completely encompassed in just 1 hour. It also means that Sans offers double the coverage of competitors for half the price.

3. Clean Air That Feels Good and Looks Better

Sans looks good. Their air purifier isn’t the kind of industrial monstrosity that’s begging to be buried in the back of a room. Rounded corners and a tilted top give it a sleek, modern finish. A subtle LED display quantifies the quality of air, and two classic colorways (White and Midnight) accommodate any aesthetic.

The system is also compact and easy to move from room to room (although given the area it covers, switching locations isn’t necessary). Each filter is guaranteed 2200 hours of use (roughly three months), at which point a filter replacement notification will appear on the Air Purifier. Sans doesn’t miss a beat. 

4. Removes Dust, Pet Hair & More 

The proof of Sans’ superiority comes in the form of hard and fast results. Pet hair and dander is put in its place, and those who like to experiment in the kitchen can take comfort in the fact that odors from failed culinary endeavors will be tackled instantaneously.

If that wasn’t satisfying enough, dust pulls a disappearing act at the hands of this air purifier – instead of flying around the air (and ending up in your body), Sans stops dust from being on your furniture or in your body. And despite all that power, Sans manages to be completely ozone-free, which we love them for.

5. Sans Cares About Their Customers

Make a list of every possible customer-friendly perk…because Sans has them all. Warranty? Yep, and it’s industry-leading at 5 years long. They offer a 30-day home trial and free returns (jury’s still out on whether a return has actually happened). Shipping is always free, too, and it’s fast – the purifiers and filters are shipped domestically from Los Angeles.

If (when) someone falls in love with Sans, they can opt into the subscription and receive 10% off new filters, delivered to their home every three months with a subscription price of $35.99. Additionally, when making an initial purchase, you can choose to finance your air purifier and pay in interest-free monthly installments. 

We Plan to Keep Sweeping the Air With Sans

No one likes to think about the invisible dirt and particles they are breathing in at every moment – particularly not within their home – but the sad truth is that, well, it’s true. To turn a blind eye to this reality would mean sacrificing the health of everyone involved. 

Air purifiers aren’t as dull as we thought. Correction, the Sans Air Purifier isn’t. The state-of-the art tech and medical-grade components in this machine are anything but ordinary. And even though most materials caught by Sans aren’t visible to the naked eye, the results are so easy to see… and feel, and smell. 

Try Sans now and breathe a sigh (or many) of relief. That’s the beauty of clean air you can feel.