The Secret to Never Getting a Bad Haircut Again

The Secret to Never Getting a Bad Haircut Again

09.18.2021Author: The Suite Staff

If you want to freshen up your look or make a significant change to your hairstyle, it’s tough to know where to begin. Do you cut it all off? Color it? Are there layers involved? Friends will say “it’s just hair — if it doesn’t look good, it’ll grow back,” which is of course true, but it’s something you have to look at and deal with every day.

There are so many factors to take into account when getting a haircut. Everyone has a different face shape and hair type, and it goes without saying that a shaggy fringe might look good on Taylor Swift, but that doesn’t necessarily mean it’ll look good on everyone.

Here’s what you should know before booking your appointment:

Compare Salons

It can be easy to fall into the trap of doing a quick search for “best salons near me” and picking the one with the highest rating. However, it’s important to find a salon that’s aligned with your values, like clean formulas, and sustainability — not to mention, the type of work they do. Some salons are better suited to afro-textured hair or keratin treatments than others!

Find the Right Stylist

A haircut is not the time or place to walk into a salon and ask for “anyone,” even if it’s a highly rated salon. There are enough variables as is when it comes to getting a new haircut, but an experienced stylist is non-negotiable. Once you’ve narrowed your search down a few salons, do a deep dive on all of their stylists. Scour their professional Instagram pages (and tagged posts), check out the salon website, and make sure that the work they do is in line with what you’re looking for.

Bring Example Photos

One of the simplest ways to ensure you’re aligned with your stylist is to bring photos of exactly what you want, as well as examples of styles you don’t want, so that your stylist has ample material to work with. Clear communication is helpful, but pictures are essential to helping your stylist understand exactly what you’re looking for. If possible, find photos from the stylist’s own social media accounts.

Have a Conversation

Before diving into a bold new cut, open a dialogue with your stylist. Ask questions about whether or not the style you want suits your hair type and face shape, and trust that they know what they’re talking about. An attentive stylist should ask questions about your lifestyle and how you typically style your hair, and they should be up-front about the potential issues or maintenance that a style might require. Make sure you’re both on the same page before the scissors come out.

Trust Your Stylist

This might be the toughest part, but your stylist is an expert for a reason, and you have to trust that they know exactly what will and won’t work for you. If they advise against certain styles or suggest small tweaks, it’s simply because they want you to be 100% happy with your new look. The best stylists will refuse to cut a style that they know won’t suit their client.

The last thing you want is to walk out of your hair appointment with a haircut that wasn’t exactly what you wanted. The next time you’re thinking about impulse-booking a haircut, make sure to keep these tips in mind so you’re fully prepared.

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